IES has been the first company in the sector to propose a foamed thermoplastic material for use in the furniture sector:
- Edra (year 1999) armchair and pouff (designer Lovgrove)
- Magis (year 2003) Little pop child chair for child (designer Enzo Mari)
- Magis (year 2004) road show display rack
- Frezza (year 2005) book shelf Opus incertum (designer Sean yoo)
- Foppa pedretti (year 2005) line Lazzari
Recently, IES technologies have found an application in the manufacture of products for the business furniture, starting with dummies made of expanded Polystyrene (EPS):
- Edra (year 1999) armchair and pouff (designer Lovgrove)
- Magis (year 2003) Little pop child chair for child (designer Enzo Mari)
- Magis (year 2004) road show display rack
- Frezza (year 2005) book shelf Opus incertum (designer Sean yoo)
- Foppa pedretti (year 2005) line Lazzari
- Livelymen (year 2010) Dummy